What is Acidity?
Acidity is a term used for a set of symptoms caused by the excess acid production by the stomach’s gastric glands. Normally, the stomach secretes HCl, which is necessary for the breakdown and digestion of food. Excess acid secretion causes symptoms such as dyspepsia, heartburn, gastric inflammation and stomach ulcers.

What is Acid Reflux?
Acid Reflux is a digestive disorder that occurs when acidic stomach juices, or food and fluids back up from the stomach into the esophagus (food pipe)
This results in a burning sensation in our chest which is the commonest symptom of acidity.

How do i know if i have acidity/acid reflux?
If you experience any of the following, you’re suffering from acidity:-

  1. burning sensation in the stomach, throat and heart
  2. difficulty in swallowing
  3. Regurgitation of food contents, stomach acid
  4. restlessness
  5. belching
  6. nausea
  7. prolonged sour taste in the mouth
  8. bad breath
  9. indigestion
  10. constipation

So what is the treatment?
Antacids, Medications? NO. They do not completely remove the root cause of acidity but simply mask the symptoms and give you “temporary relief”
The answer to reducing acidity is very simple. We have to make our body pH alkaline by including certain foods & incorporating the following habits in our lifestyle

  1. Include Fennel or Saunf:
    Having around 1 teaspoon fennel powder with a glass of warm water relieves acidity and its symptoms like heartburn, bloating and improves digestion.
  2. Consume Buttermilk:
    The lactic acid in buttermilk normalizes the acidity in the stomach and gives a soothing effect. A glass of buttermilk topped with black pepper and coriander helps in instantly easing our symptoms of acidity.
  3. Include Black Cumin Seeds (Jeera):
    Chew cumin seeds directly or boil 1 teaspoon of them in a glass of water and drink it to relieve acidity. Black cumin seeds are gastro-protective. They are effective in reducing and preventing acidity and its symptoms like heartburn, pain, nausea, bloating, constipation etc
  4. Timely Eating:
    Don’t keep gap of more than 4 hours between your meals. if there is no food in your stomach, the acid has nothing to act upon and in turn attacks the stomach cells and causes ulcers.
  5. Don’t eat your meals too quickly:
    When you don’t chew your food well, your stomach needs to produce more acid to break it down. more acid production means more acidity. Also, a lot of nutrients in your food die in the presence of this excess acid.
  6. Ditch the Junk Food:
    When you eat wholesome nutritious food like whole grains, fruits, vegetable, seeds, your body produces the right amount of acid to break it down.
    But when you eat junk food, processed unhealthy food, excess salt and sugar, you body has to produce a lot of acid to break it down. More acid production means more Acidity!
  7. Watch Your Water Intake:
    Make sure you have at least 2.5-3 litres per day!
    Anything less than this can lead to acidity, fatigue and innumerable problems!
  8. Destress & Yoga:
    Practicing Pranayama and other breathing exercises helps your body destress and balance the acidic and alkaline levels naturally!

Here at FitnFab, we offer a “Gut Health Booster” Programme wherein we help you get rid of any digestive (gut) issues that you might be facing by using the food as medicine.

A Healthy Gut = A Healthy Body